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豁免 & Search Exceptions

To approve a 豁免, 平等就业机会办公室必须确信有必要拒绝考虑所有其他潜在申请人的机会.  我们首先评估每个请求满足以下一个或多个批准标准的程度: 

A. Candidate is uniquely qualified (this requires detailed explanation); AND/OR

B. Recent failed search for this position demonstrates a lack of available qualified candidates (include posting number of failed search and brief narrative explaining what happened/why the search failed); AND/OR

C. Unit faces emergency circumstances that cannot be resolved effectively through other means (describe the emergency and any other methods/appointees you considered); AND/OR

D. Other compelling circumstances (provide details, background information, consequences of another decision, 等.).

If a 豁免 meets one or more of the criteria above, 当存在以下一个或多个因素时,平等就业机会可能会给予额外的积极考虑:雇佣促进平权行动目标(解释如何)

A. Hire advances Affirmative Action Goals (explain how)

B. Hire supports dual-career employment policy (describe situation, provide name/dept/position title of partner or spouse already employed)

C. 雇用允许继续雇用否则会失去职位的雇员(请描述情况)

D. Hire is needed to retain a valued employee (describe circumstances; does the person have an offer from another employer?)

E. 为当前UI员工提供晋升机会(描述具体情况)

When appropriately detailed information is attached to the action, EEO can understand, 评估, and approve/disapprove your request to waive the search in a timely manner. 将这些信息记录下来,可以确保机构的电子记录准确地反映并支持决策的基本原理.

平等就业机会办公室的电话并不意味着这个请求有什么“问题”——它反映了我们对待这些决定的严肃态度.  To approve a 豁免, 平等就业机会办公室必须确信有必要拒绝所有其他人考虑该职位的机会.  Sometimes we need a broader understanding in order to make a decision about your request; rather than taking the time to send the 豁免 back for clarification or disapprove it altogether, we contact the hiring official to seek more info and/or discuss other options. 

A follow-up call from us may cover some of these questions:

  • 为什么不进行搜索或加速搜索,并邀请这个人(在其他人中)申请?
  • Who else in the unit might be interested in this opportunity; how do you know?
  • 你还考虑过谁来担任这个职位?为什么你选择了这个人而不是其他人??
  • 您是否使用非正式流程来评估UI内部或外部其他人的潜在兴趣?  如果是这样的话, 详细描述这个过程,包括你发送的任何材料的副本和收到这些材料的人员或组织的名单.  Provide detailed screening reasons for anyone else not selected.  注:这并不意味着在没有事先获得平等就业机会批准的情况下可以进行“加速搜索”或“有针对性和重点的搜索”!
  • 有什么原因可以解释为什么这个机会不太可能产生太大的兴趣(短期), 低FTE, 等.)?

Advance approval is optional but may be a good idea if:

  • 你不确定情况是否允许考虑非竞争性招聘, or
  • the situation is complicated, or
  • 理由不明显符合上述一项或多项豁免标准,或
  • timing is critical.


  • 如果你收到一封来自平等就业机会办公室的邮件,上面写着“这封邮件可以代替证明信”,”  you don’t need a letter as well (unless the circumstances have changed).  Remember to include the full email exchange, not just EEO's approval. 
  • If you don’t have an email from EEO to serve “in lieu of a letter,“ attach a regular letter of justification as described above, adding that you already have verbal approval from EEO.

EEO approval means that, should you receive all other required approvals to fill the position, you may hire the proposed appointee without an open search.  It does NOT mean that you have received other university approvals, 比如资金, 排名, 任期内, 工资, position description, 或者offer letter.

Director of Employee Development & Workforce 多样性



What is the difference between a search 豁免 and a search 异常?

一个搜索 豁免 直接给某人安排职位的请求是没有经过任何搜索程序的吗. 一个搜索 豁免 deals with people. 搜索异常是更改执行搜索的一个或所有需求的请求. 一个搜索 异常 deals with processes.

What are the types of search 异常s?

当要求搜索只对365滚球官网员工开放时,搜索可能会例外, when requesting a posting period shorter than the required posting time, 或者当要求的广告数量少于要求的时候.

Why do I need to ask for a search 异常?

平等就业和平权行动原则规定,某些联邦承包商的每一个职位空缺都必须以招聘和雇用的最佳做法为基础,通过公开和竞争的方式填补. 缩短搜索时间或减少广告和招聘工作必须有充分的理由, 这可能会将那些在365滚球官网没有适当代表的受保护阶层排除在外.

How do I ask for a Search Exception?

The following steps should be taken when asking for a search 异常:

一个搜索 异常 should be requested in the posting in the 豁免 tab, in the search 异常 field. 

In the search 异常 field describe:
  • What 异常 you are asking for,
  • Why you are requesting the 异常, and
  • What impact the search 异常 would have on your department/unit.

What factors do we examine when considering a search 异常? 

Some of the factors we consider when examining search 异常 requests are:
  • The likely pool of internal candidates based on our affirmative action plan. 内部招聘能帮助我们实现平权行动目标的可能性有多大?
  • 广告准则-如果我们偏离了最低广告要求,申请人群体可能会受到什么影响?
  • Is this an entry level position? 对于入门级职位,我们更不愿意给予例外待遇,因为这些职位通常没有在大学内部晋升的机会.
  • Would the 异常 help to advance affirmative action goals?


Bruce Pitman Center


875 Perimeter Drive MS 4241
莫斯科, ID 83844-4241

Phone: 208-885-5059

Phone: 208-885-2322
