



莫斯科,ID 83844-2534

秋天 & 春季学期学时:
(从早上8点开始.m.-5 p.m.)

秋天 & 春季学期报到时间:
(上午11点起.m-1 p.m.)
现场突发事项 -在汪达尔成功中心的办公桌前停下来开始(ISUB三楼)

(早上7点半开始.m.-4:30 p.m.)

学生: 如需预约,请访问 VandalStar.  
校友: 请致电或 电子邮件 办公室安排了一个约会.



电子邮件: careerservices@zjhsycw.com

认识团队 Map


职业服务 supports internships by connecting students with employers and serving as a resource for helping employers in the creation of internships. U of I strongly endorses internships and other experiential learning activities to help students progress in their personal and professional career development.


Many employers have lists of projects and not enough staff to complete them while others experience peak periods where additional staff is needed or operate under limited budgets. 实习生是理想的解决方案. 因为课程表的性质, 学生们通常会寻找临时性的实习机会. 记住, students are looking for internships that provide professional experience and the opportunity to learn.

  • 特殊项目——实习生可以组织研究项目, 计划活动, 开发促销活动或设计网页. 当围绕一个特殊项目开展实习时, 确定目标, 时间线, and outcomes so everyone understands the purpose and expectations of the project.
  • Ongoing Operations — Organizations that need help throughout the year can benefit from having interns serve as HR support staff, 公关或营销助理, 青年团体网站开发者或促进者.

The duration of your internship can be flexible to accommodate the needs of both the student and the employer.

  • Summer 实习 — This is the most popular time for students to participate in an internship. 学生们早在10月份就开始寻找全职暑期实习机会.
  • 秋天 or Spring Full-Time 实习 — Full-time internships during the school year can be accommodated if the employer and student are located in the same geographic area or the internship is virtual. 雇主 should work with students to understand their class schedule and have reasonable expectations regarding when an intern can contribute hours to the internship.
  • 秋天 or Spring Part-Time 实习 — A more popular option for internships during the school year is to keep them part-time. This allows the flexibility students need to complete their coursework while contributing as an intern. Similar concerns regarding geographic location and virtual options should be noted here as well.

Academic credit for internships may be available if pre-arranged by the student and his or her academic department.

  • 指定一位有兴趣教别人的导师/主管, understands the organization and can develop quality work assignments for the intern. 好的主管不仅帮助实习生学习, 面试可以帮助公司了解实习生是否有潜力成为全职员工.
  • 决定实习生是在一个部门工作还是在几个部门工作.
  • 确定实习生需要的培训类型.


雇主必须提供安全的工作环境和设备, 实习生履行职责所需的用品和工作空间. 还有一些额外的需求需要记住:

  • Medical Insurance — 学生 must have medical insurance to register for classes at U of I. They must report personal insurance information or enroll in the Student 健康 Insurance Program offered by the university.
  • 工人补偿-如果学生在就业能力支付, 该学生应享有雇主的工伤赔偿政策. 如果一个学生是无偿的或接受津贴, it is highly advisable for an employer to obtain a rider to its existing workers’ compensation policy to cover the intern.

While some interns are willing to work with an employer on an unpaid basis to gain valuable career-building experience, the candidate pool for an internship will likely be much larger and of higher quality if financial compensation is provided.


计算公平的时薪, first identify the entry-level starting salary for a similar position at the organization, 然后乘以一个百分比. 这个比例取决于实习生的教育和经验. 遵循以下准则:

年长者:起薪的80- 85%
初级:初级工资的70- 75%
二年级学生:入门级工资的60- 65%


When pay is not possible, the student must be the primary beneficiary of the relationship. Courts have used the “primary beneficiary test” to determine whether an intern or student is, 事实上, FLSA的雇员. 简而言之, this test allows courts to examine the “economic reality” of the intern-employer relationship to determine which party is the “primary beneficiary” of the relationship. 法院已经确定了以下七个因素作为测试的一部分:

  1. The extent to which the intern and the employer clearly understand that there is no expectation of compensation. 任何赔偿承诺, 明示或暗示, 表明实习生是员工,反之亦然.
  2. The extent to which the internship provides training that would be similar to that which would be given in an educational environment, including the clinical and other hands-on training provided by educational institutions.
  3. The extent to which the internship is tied to the intern’s formal education program by integrated coursework or the receipt of academic credit.
  4. The extent to which the internship accommodates the intern’s academic commitments by corresponding to the academic calendar.
  5. The extent to which the internship ’s duration is limited to the period in which the internship provides the intern with beneficial learning.
  6. 实习生工作的补充程度, 而不是取代, the work of paid employees while providing significant educational benefits to the intern.
  7. The extent to which the intern and the employer understand that the internship is conducted without entitlement to a paid job at the conclusion of the internship.

所有实习都应该遵循 NACE的指导方针 并遵守 U.S. 劳工部FLSA标准.

  • 职位描述应包括:
  • 组织简介及网址
  • 职务名称
  • 技能和资格要求/优先考虑
  • 职责与责任
  • 学生的学习成果
  • 指定在实习领域具有专业知识的主管
  • 工资率(按小时计算、按津贴计算或无薪/按学分计算)
  • 每周工作时间和实习开始/结束日期
  • 位置(城市、州)
  • 申请说明及截止日期


职业服务 coordinates all on-campus recruiting for full-time and internship opportunities.



就业服务中心可以在实习创建过程中提供帮助. 给雇主关系团队发邮件 或致电208-885-6121.




莫斯科,ID 83844-2534

秋天 & 春季学期学时:
(从早上8点开始.m.-5 p.m.)

秋天 & 春季学期报到时间:
(上午11点起.m-1 p.m.)
现场突发事项 -在汪达尔成功中心的办公桌前停下来开始(ISUB三楼)

(早上7点半开始.m.-4:30 p.m.)

学生: 如需预约,请访问 VandalStar.  
校友: 请致电或 电子邮件 办公室安排了一个约会.



电子邮件: careerservices@zjhsycw.com

认识团队 Map